Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spring Inspiration and Positive Views-A New Earth

A New Earth

I have been reading a GREAT book, A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle.

It is actually in Oprah's Book Club and she is doing an online class every Monday with Eckhart.

It is really good and starts changing the way you go about your life. I do not watch it live, but download it to my ipod and watch when I have a spare hour and a half. It is worth making time for, in my opinoin.

He says if you are ready for it, it all makes sense and if you are not, it's not the right time in your life for it. I think it can make a big inpact. It can be a very positive shift. Has anyone else been following the program along or read the book? I'd love to get a discussion going as to how it has effected your life and impacted your real estate business.

If I can be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to call or email me. It will be my pleasure! By the way, if you know of someone that could benefit from my high level of service, please call or email me with their name and daytime phone number and I will make sure to follow up and take great care of them. My business keeps growing from your referrals.

I can be reached at my direct number at the office: 847.516.6760. I look forward to hearing from you!

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